Beatrice Bressan
Executive Advisor
Financial planning, monitoring & reporting
Executive Director of Global Challenges Forum Foundation and before of GGateway, a Gaza IT Social Enterprise, she helped develop as a United Nations Relief and the Works Agency for Palestine Refugees spinoff, Beatrice has held several executive managerial roles internationally for 20 years and is expert consultant in business development and social business, public relations and strategic communications, mediation and negotiation. After a MAS in Science Communication, International School for Advanced Studies, and in Mathematical Physics, La Sapienza University, she obtained a PhD in Physics and a postdoctoral fellowship in Technology Transfer and Knowledge Management, Helsinki University, within the programmes of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, where she is TOTEM experiment Outreach Coordinator and SHARP Middle East Project Leader.
As European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations and Italian Press Association member, she has authored and edited divers worldwide distributed books.